[Geysers] Norris Geyser Basin, 4/16/11

Michael Goldberg goldbeml at ucmail.uc.edu
Sat Apr 16 19:04:57 PDT 2011

According to the Yellowstone Volcanic Observatory temperature monitors,
Steamboat became markedly less active on or around April 3,
and the ground near Vixen heated up the next day.
Porkchop appears to have emptied out on April 11-12.
I can't interpret the Constant data very well.

Up until April 3 it appears that Steamboat was still doing cyces of about 
2.5 days on, then a half-day of relatively little discharge.

All of these charts are available from the main page:

Michael Goldberg
michael.goldberg at uc.edu

On Sat, 16 Apr 2011, Karen Low wrote:

> There is still very deep snow at Norris Geyser Basin; in many places the 
> snow is well above the boardwalk side railings, but the snow is getting 
> soft, and we were post-holing frequently.  Steamboat's runoff channel 
> had less water in it than I am used to seeing.  Echinus was warmer, 
> clear blue, with boiling in the pool.
> I was surprised to see Porkchop Geyser empty.  We could see the thin 
> geyserite ledge overhanging the empty crater.  Even the lower pool was 
> nearly dry, and the runoff channel didn't look like it had any flow for 
> quite some time.
> Sagebrush Lizard Hot Springs were splashing, but behind it towards 
> Porkchop the long, uneven pool was empty.  Pearl Geyser was splashing, 
> but not very high.
> Vixen Geyser was active, with an interval of about 15 minutes, and 
> durations of a minute and a half to two minutes.
> If any of my pictures turn out, I'll post them on facebook.
> Karen Low

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