[Geysers] Webcam times 4/9/2011

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Sun Apr 10 05:57:34 PDT 2011

Here are some times from the webcams for Saturday 4/9/11 taken from the chat log (<http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>), thanks for the reports.

Beehive interval was about 16 hours, a little longer than we have been used to recently.  Plume has increased a bit to an hour or slightly longer.

Aurum 2018ie (?), 
Beehive 0824 Indicator 0824ie, 
Castle, 1420ie steam phase, 
Depression 0957, 1601ie, 
Daisy 1052ie, 1549, 
Lion 1153ie, 1303, 1423, 1534, 
Old Faithful 0702, 0841 1019 1146ie, 1320, 1448ie, 1632, 1806ie, 1931ie, 
Plume 1011, 1114ie, 1308, 1618, 1722ie, 1822ie, 1924ie, 2027ie, 

Graham Meech

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