[Geysers] Norris Disturbance

Denise Herman npstora at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 14:01:13 PDT 2010

The following is based mostly on observations by visitors and staff, with
some correlations with downloaded information from loggers deployed in the

Norris Geyser Basin Disturbance 2010

Since disturbance began, Pearl Geyser began erupting for the first time this
season.  Veteran’s crater is dry.  Sagebrush springs, including Mini Pearl,
are quite actively erupting.  Curiously, Porkchop’s temperature has dropped
since the start of disturbance. Emerald and Cistern are at rolling boils.
There is a strange spike on 8/25 on Echinus’ channel temperature logger, but
no corresponding spike in discharge into Tantalus, so we’re not certain that
we had an Echinus eruption.  The weir data shows a large spike in discharge
in Tantalus occurring on 8/28, but we are not sure what has caused that.  The
disturbance is affecting both Porcelain and Back Basin, with increased
temperatures recorded on both sides.  Constant Geyser has really tapered off
since disturbance, and temperature loggers on Steamboat seem to confirm that
it has been “zapped” since the start of disturbance (one curious thing with
Steamboat this season—it seems to have a cycle of 3 days of minor eruptions,
then a lull for around 12 hours…hmm…).  Minor eruptions are less frequent
and powerful than before.  The most exciting change has been with Vixen
Geyser.  The first reported eruption of Vixen for the season was 6/30, and
intervals were pretty long—around 1 hour or so between, and eruptions were
minor.  Since the disturbance began, intervals have shortened to roughly
20-25 minutes, with some major eruptions.  We had our first report of
disturbance events on 8/26, but downloads from the loggers indicate that the
disturbance really began 8/24.

Disturbance seems to be going strong!

Denise Herman
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