[Geysers] Knitting Olympics

Robin Reynolds reynoldshaertle at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 7 19:09:14 PST 2010

Nice! I made a Cowichan sweater for my husband many years ago. 




From: thedulcimerlady at juno.com
To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 22:01:38 -0700
Subject: [Geysers] Knitting Olympics

Hi everyone,
I have had a hankering to knit a Yellowstone “story sweater” in the Cowichan tradition.  (The Cowichan Band is indigenous to the Vancouver area.)
So, when the Olympics came along, and more than a few yarn shops around the country hosted Knitting Olympics, encouraging knitters to complete a project only during that time period, I couldn’t resist.
Two of you sent me photos of the fireplace grates at OFI, which got the whole thing started.  To see the completed sweater (really a coat) and the story behind its completion, click here.
I know you’ll all enjoy the image on the sweater’s back.
Lucille Reilly

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