[Geysers] January 5, 2010 geyser activity

Stephen Ballou ballous at beloit.edu
Tue Jan 5 14:56:51 PST 2010

Dear All,

It is snowing......cold on the way.

Replaced the marker at  Fan and Motar this morning and caught a 0905

Electronic Times
Daisy 1/4/2010: 0106, 0354, 0648, 0936, 1221, 1502, 1746, 2030.
1/5/2010: 0056, 0435, 0736

Grand 1/4/2010: 0138, 1233, 1948
1/5/2010: 0347

Castle 1/4/2010: 0341 maj, 1746 min, 2212 maj

Stephen Ballou
Beloit College Geology Technician
700 College St.
Beloit, WI 53511
office (608) 363-2388
cell (608) 289-9305

ballous at beloit.edu
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