[Geysers] 30 August 2010, Monday (Schwarz)

Mary Beth Schwarz schwarzmb at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 17:42:40 PDT 2010

Today was in the 40s with some rain.  There were Beehive's Indicator
eruptions without Beehive as of 1515 when I  left the UGB.

Thanks to all who contributed times.

     Aurum  0810

     Beehive's Indicator  0829 (end 0931),  1206ie (d>40m)

     Castle 0111 Elec major

     Daisy 0629,  1333

     Depression 0753,  1054ie

     Fountain  1027

     Grand  0431 Elec,  1409(T1Q) d=11m 16s

     Little Cub  0717ie,  0849ie,  0934ie

     Oblong  1508? ie radio

     Plume 0554,  0650,  0746,  0840,  0939,  1033ie,  1127,  1223,  1319,

     Riverside  0800ie VR,  1432

     Sawmill  1217ie (1252ne)

     West Triplet  1159 (end 1237)

     UNNG OFVEC-1 (called "Bess" by some, from the old movie)  1027,  1039

     Times from 8/29:

          Grand 1936(2C)

          Castle (Prediction  ~2200)  minor

     Mary Beth Schwarz
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