[Geysers] Beehive

JEFFREY CROSS jeff.cross at utah.edu
Wed Aug 11 10:40:46 PDT 2010

What is the shortest known interval of Beehive, ever?

Jeff Cross
jeff.cross at utah.edu

<<Well my comment yesterday about having to wait till next week to see Beehive do something different was pessimistic, I should have said "wait till tomorrow".  The apparent mid-cycle  indicator that started ~7h25m after the prior Beehive turned out to be a real indicator - Beehive interval just ~7h36m!  Looking at Ralphs data, the shortest interval recorded since the electronic logs started in 2003 was over 8 hours, so this was a lot shorter than that.  Having been blamed for breaking  Beehive earlier, do I get praised for making it erupt with such a short interval now?>>

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