[Geysers] Webcam times 8/8/2010

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 04:48:41 PDT 2010

The 1724 "mid-cycle" Indicator eruption lasted until 1803. It appeared to reach full Indicator height, and Beehive splashed quite a bit during it, especially around 1745 or so. 
Pat Snyder

On Aug 8, 2010, at 7:23 PM, Graham Meech wrote:

> Here are some times from the webcams on Sunday 8/8/10  taken from the
> chat log (<http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>).  
> Still having big Indicators with no Beehive but like yesterday there was a real indicator today too.  Since we are watching the webcam there are a lot of suspicious indicator reports but I have stuck to the ones that looked like they were real ones.  There was a 118 minute OF interval.  Rain came in this evening making for a lot of steam and not many people on the boardwalks.
> Aurum 1341ie,
> Beehive 1022ie Indicator 0954ie,
> Beehive Indicator 0542ie, 1724ie, 
> Depression 0627ie (?), 1945ie,
> Grand 1346ie,
> OF 0631ie, 0829ie (preplay seen at 0802),  0947ie, 1120ie, 1254ie, 1604ie, 1929ie,  
> Plate 1149ie,
> Plume 0930ie, 1033ie, 1139ie, 1552ie, 1646ie,
> Graham Meech
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