[Geysers] Webcam times 8/8/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Sun Aug 8 19:23:47 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Sunday 8/8/10  taken from the
chat log (< <http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>


Still having big Indicators with no Beehive but like yesterday there was a
real indicator today too.  Since we are watching the webcam there are a lot
of suspicious indicator reports but I have stuck to the ones that looked
like they were real ones.  There was a 118 minute OF interval.  Rain came in
this evening making for a lot of steam and not many people on the

Aurum 1341ie, 

Beehive 1022ie Indicator 0954ie, 

Beehive Indicator 0542ie, 1724ie, 
Depression 0627ie (?), 1945ie, 

Grand 1346ie, 

OF 0631ie, 0829ie (preplay seen at 0802),  0947ie, 1120ie, 1254ie, 1604ie,
Plate 1149ie, 

Plume 0930ie, 1033ie, 1139ie, 1552ie, 1646ie, 

Graham Meech


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