TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Fri Sep 25 09:12:15 PDT 2009

Just received and certainly of interest to all.
Scott Bryan
 From: katjasbw at yahoo.com
To: r.keam at auckland.ac.nz, glennon at gmail.com,  tsbryan at aol.com, 
marrett at mail.utexas.edu, skieffer at uiuc.edu
Sent: 9/24/2009  9:22:14 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time

My respects to you all

Nearly two years ago I  contacted you asking for technical support to stop 
geothermal  exploration on El Tatio Geyser Field. The precious information 
you sent  to me was translated and presented to the environmental and 
political  authorities. Despite our efforts and warnings, the government approved  
the drillings. 

9 days ago, one of the reinjection wells   collapsed generating a 90 feet 
(60 meters) tall artificial geyser,  releasing heat, pressure and water into 
the environment, with a jet  alike noise. The biggest geysers of the field, 
the ones located to the  right at the entrance of the El Tatio Geyser Field, 
are already decaying  in activity. The company in charge of the drillings 
says they will close  the well as soon as possible.
We will be once more presenting a  writen document to the environmental and 
political authorities asking  for the immediate closure of the geothermal 
project in the El Tatio  area. 
If it is possible for you, we deeply appreciate if you could  write some 
lines about the effects that this and future accidents might  have on the 
geyser field. Your expert opinion will be added to the  previous information you 
sent to us and presented to the  authorities.
Deep thanks for your help and  time
Katja Berger

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