[Geysers] Geyser Report May 18-20, 2009

Bill Warnock billwarnock at wyellowstone.com
Thu May 21 08:02:27 PDT 2009

May 18, 2009

Additions to earlier report:

Beehive  0842  Ind. 0828;  1940  Ind. 1926
Oblong  0918  1546ie
Pyramid  1513ie
Penta  1539ie
Uncertain  1750ie

May 19, 2009

Castle  0624 maj  1917 maj
Daisy  0642  1100  1334  1547
Grand  0328E  1340 T2C  2042E - log says 3 bursts (?)
Riverside  0840vr  1446
Aurum  0556
Beehive  0947  Indicator 0940; 2221
Grotto  0609ie
Lion  0752  0950  1012  1713ie
Plume  0711  0807  0901
Little Squirt  0906ie
West Triplet  1106 d=34"  1347

May 20, 2009

Daisy  0842  1147  1436
Aurum  0854  1357 
LIttle Brother  0856
Riverside  0916
Castle  0924 maj
Plume  0931  1029  1135  1233  1333  1434
Grand  0517E  1414 T2C
West Triplet  1215  1423
Beehive  1246  Indicator  1228

A group of bison with three new calves were behind Grand when it erupted, causing them to run up the hill.  

Amendment to last report:  I believe it must have been Black Diamond rather than Black Pearl that Hank Heasler and group saw, but this awaits confirmation.  Also the Wall Street Journal yesterday had another full color Morgan Stanley ad on page one touting geothermal energy investment with picture of Old Faithful.
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