[Geysers] Geyser Report May 12-18, 2009

Bill Warnock billwarnock at wyellowstone.com
Tue May 19 15:41:17 PDT 2009

May 12, 2009

Riverside  0734
Plume  0813
Grand  1209  2154
Beehive  1211  Indicator  1157

May 13, 2009

Daisy  0714  0925  1146  1358
Riverside  0940ie
Plume  0726  0837  0945  1048  1151  1305
Lion  0710  0834  0955ns
Grotto  0608ie
Dome  1100ie  1156
Castle  1114 maj
Aurum  1156
Riverside  1541ns
West Triplet  1549
Artemesia  1801ie

May 14, 2009

Castle  0227E  1538ie maj
Daisy  0624  1522ie
Grand  0809 T1C  1826E
Beehive  1425  Indicator  1423ie
Grotto  1615
Lion  0925ie  1049
Plume  0633   0841   1041  1142  1240  1341  1434
West Triplet  0806ie  1553
Oblong  1618
Aurum  1203

May 15, 2009

Castle  0536E  1915 min
Daisy  0758  1008  1231  1442E  1705E  1935E  2207E
Grand  0322E  1231 T1C  2321E
Beehive  1132  Indicator  1118ie
Lion  0559ie  0730
Plume  0605   1155   1511
Fountain  0535ie
West Triplet  1224

May 16, 2009

Castle  0941 maj
Grand 0947 T1C  1845  T1C
Riverside  0638  1245  1845
Beehive  0738ie
Plume  0604   1915
Oblong 0633
West Triplet  0815  1733
Daisy  0303E  0530E  0800E  1251ie  1734ie

May 17, 2009

Castle  0130E maj  1438 min  1941 maj
Daisy  0617  0834  1058    1534
Grand  0456E  1630 T1C
Riverside  0712  1313
Beehive  1504
Lion  1423  1538ie
Penta  0632ie
Depression  0805
Fountain  1910ie
West Triplet  1131
Grotto  0955ie
Castle  1941 maj

May 18, 2009

West Triplet  0609
Rift  0649
Plume  0623  0724  0834  0940  1044  1146
Beehive  0842  Indicator 0828
Daisy  0829ie  1308
Oblong  0918
Castle  1000 min
Grand  1012
Jewel  1143  1150  1158  1203
Riverside  1436

Note some of the LONG intervals at Grand and more 1 bursters.  Thanks to Prof. Jim for many of these times.

I heard at the Old Faithful Visitors Center that Hank Heasler, the Park Geologist, was with a group at Biscuit Basin a few days ago and saw Black Pearl erupt impressively.  Some got it on video.  Hope we'll be able to access it.

At Midway Geyser Basin at 3:30 pm yesterday, about 40 people were at the bridge, which is closed by yellow ribbon.  Many were continuing on south on the river bank across from Excelsior, trying to get pictures.  More cars were arriving as I left.  I've seen no bears at either Midway or Lower Basins boardwalks, nor has anyone else I know.  At the Lower Basin, beyond the bear closure signs, workers were nailing down new boardwalk, and the walk from the parking lot to the circular walk appears complete.  Looking forward to seeing Great Fountain, we hope, on Friday when the Firehole Lake Loop opens.  

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