[Geysers] Yellowstone June 11, 2009

Gary Einstein greinstein at prodigy.net
Fri Jun 12 09:27:31 PDT 2009

While being sorry that you could not cook breakfast, some of us city 
folks are very jealous.

Gary Einstein

Lynn Stephens wrote:
> This morning the bison herd was bedded down in the meadow in front of 
> Geyser Hill.  About 6 am they gradually became mobile, wandering 
> through the Inn Parking lot as well as the DNLBS parking lot.  One 
> little orange calf got separated from all the other calves, which were 
> still in the meadow, and wandered onto the asphalt road.  The calf 
> kept sniffing the road, looking at the yearlings and adults munching 
> away on the grass, then sniffing the road again.  One young bull was 
> standing guard at the bike racks making certain no other bison or 
> people came near the bicycles.  Even if the sky hadn't been dripping, 
> the herd effectively prevented me from cooking breakfast in the 
> parking lot this morning.
> Lynn Stephens
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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