[Geysers] Memorial Day Trip--Yellowstone Ass'n Discounts

Gary Einstein greinstein at prodigy.net
Wed Jun 3 15:46:06 PDT 2009

I've returned home from a week in the Park, and having read the 
accumulated postings by Scott, Lynn and others, I don't need to be 

I am always amazed of the openness and friendliness of the Gazer 
community.  Even the long waits during the 12 hour + duration "Grands 
from Hell" (credit for the name to Pat)  or Beehives did not seem that 
long due to the interesting discussions.  Thanks to all.

If you are visiting Yellowstone this summer, the Yellowstone Association 
has a 10% discount at the General Stores for everything but fountain 
purchases.  I learned of it late into the week, but saved 35 cents on a 
bag of chips.

Gary Einstein

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