[Geysers] 1950's Inn and Reponse to Complains

Jack Ashe jack.ashe at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 28 07:23:53 PST 2009

I, too, have sent a written complaint with detailed information to the Superintendent of another national park and have not received even an acknowledgment that the complaint (about a safety situation) was even received.  Strange. Is this silence and unresponsiveness a NPS policy?


From: "TSBryan at aol.com" <TSBryan at aol.com>
To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 8:31:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Geysers] 1950's Inn

This kinda "out of the blue" item from Udo makes me think I've missed a thing or two on this list. But in any case, I rather like this photo of the Inn. I wrote to Superintendent Lewis 3 or 4 years ago about how the view from the Inn has been allowed to grow impaired (as has the view from the Norris Museum), suggesting some "vista enhancement" (a valid term)... but of course, I got no reply. (Indeed, over the last few years I have sent several items __on official forms__ to this superintendent. I have yet to receive any replay of any kind, not even an acknowledgment from the office. Which as far as I'm concerned is [insert series of extremely bad words here]. )

Scott Bryan

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