[Geysers] Historical Yellowstone Book

Gary Einstein greinstein at prodigy.net
Mon Nov 24 15:20:05 PST 2008

Through the Yellowstone Association I learned of a new book in the 
Images of America series on Yellowstone by Lee H. Whittlesey  (a 
frequent contributer here) and Elizabeth A. Watry.  Because Lee's name 
was associated, I ordered and quickly devoured the book.

Most books in this series are rather lame.  The one on my hometown of 
Seal Beach, CA is not the best of writing, and the pictures are 
recycled.  But the Yellowstone version is the opposite.  I learned more 
in its 125 pages, including pictures, about the history of the park than 
in numerous ranger talks over too many decades.  While the book is not 
geyser heavy, I learned and saw much that I did not know, including a 
foto of Old Faithful's beautiful terraced pools, now long gone because 
of early tourists.

The book is set up chronography with a page or two of history, then 
pictures which the book says are mostly published for the first time here.

I would highly recommend this for yourself or as a gazer gift.

Gary Einstein

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