[Geysers] Bryan Mysteries 13-08 and 18-08

Karen Webb minissa2003 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 17:04:51 PDT 2008

OK, then, Spa?

> Yes, of course, Crater Hills Geyser (whatever powers it ! ) is 
> most-formally named Sulphur Spring. And 18-08 is not at Norris.
> Now I'm going to take a bit of liberty here, hoping the moderator will 
> let this go through. In finding old photos of Death Valley and 
> vicinity, I came up with the one that is attached. Those familiar with 
> Death Valley will recognize the name of Frank "Shorty" Harris. He is 
> the person on the right in this picture, and he took the photo (he's 
> holding a camera trip string in his right hand). My question is this: 
> can anybody identify the automobile, especially as to the earliest 
> year it could have been built? Thanks.
> Scott Bryan
>     *Subject:* RE: [Geysers] Bryan Mysteries 13-08 and 18-08
>     1. Bryan Mystery 13-08 is Sulphur Spring.
>     2. 18-08 - Vixen Geyser?
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