[Geysers] Bryan Mystery 4-08 hints

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Wed Feb 20 21:02:33 PST 2008

My stupid guess is a "false start" in Splendid.  But I'm looking at it
through totally drugged-up eyes from a cold that won't quit.  


My gosh, that's probably a stupid guess.





From: geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu
[mailto:geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu] On Behalf Of SCOTT BRYAN
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 9:55 AM
To: Geyser List
Subject: [Geysers] Bryan Mystery 4-08 hints


So far, two incorrect guesses on my Mystery 4-08. so two hints:


Location: UGB

Date of Photo: May 25, 1990


Scott Bryan

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