[Geysers] Silver Globe Group

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Tue Mar 27 04:46:29 PDT 2007

Received my February 2007 Sput today, it looks great, thanks much Tom  
and Genean and everyone who contributed!

I am curious about something in Dave Goldberg's geyser round up  
article. On the last page, it reads under the subhead Biscuit Basin,  
"Rusty is active. so are Jewel, Shell Spring and several geysers in  
the Silver Globe Group."

The last reports I read (and I can't pinpoint who sent the report),  
Silver Globes were still mostly inactive due to the increased  
activity in Avoca Spring. So, with Dave's report above, can someone  
please verify which Silver Globe geysers are active besides Slit?

Thank you very much!
Pat Snyder

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