[Geysers] Geyser Report 3-17-07

Mike Keller KSCOPE_YNP at peoplepc.com
Sun Mar 18 15:58:49 PDT 2007

Beautiful day in the Upper Basin-weather in the mid 50's, all sun, no
clouds, very little wind until late in the day.  The old road/bicycle path
to Morning Glory has melted out enough that you can easily get down basin on
bare pavement.


Little Squirt was 1023ie.


The small vents around Beehive's cone were bubbling at 1025, but I never
passed by Beehive again the rest of the day to tell if it erupted.


Depression was 1804ie.


Sawmill was in eruption every time I passed by it. 


Grand erupted at 1111 (T2Q) with a duration of 11m 43s.  This was followed
with another eruption at 1751ie (2Q).


Chromatic Pool was in overflow.


Oblong pulled a short interval with eruptions at 1052ie and 1340ie.  When I
left the basin at 1820 it was still in overflow.


Giant/Grotto-when I got to Grotto at 1055 it was clearly several hours
post-marathon.  Variable Spring had already filled and was in overflow, but
all the smaller basins around Grotto were dry.  Bijou was dead and Giant's
platform was dry.  The entire Giant complex slowly recovered until the
marathon recovery hot period at 1659.  The hot period lasted 9m 40s and
Mastiff steadily surged 2 to 6 feet high throughout the hot period.  There
was a restart of all the vents in front of Giant's cone 90 seconds after
Mastiff dropped, but there was little surging from Giant.


Daisy erupted at 1344ie and 1703.


Riverside-1124ie followed by an eruption at 1757.


Fan and Mortar are still dormant.



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