[Geysers] Tibet geysers list

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Mar 12 17:48:46 PDT 2007

Attached is a small Word file that lists the geyser fields of Tibet (plus  
one in Qinghai) and a Google Earth image that shows these locations. Just for  
the fun of it.
Note that there only might be geysers at Qupu (large scale hydrothermal  
explosions and boiling springs are there), Buxiunlanggu (definite high  
temperature, sinter-lined pools), and Kau ("boiling at times"). Also, Chinese  
literature cites one geyser at Gulu and one geyser at Gurma. And as noted the  other 
day, I just "discovered" Fenghuoshan, and the only citation I know of is  as a 
mention of a place in a 1991 field trip guide.
Scott Bryan
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