[Geysers] Webcam question

Gordon Bower taigabridge at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 15 15:36:50 PDT 2007

I should have asked this a couple months ago, I guess --- but I will now:

Why was the line giving temperature and relative humidity removed from the 
image? Any chance of having it put back?

Both of these numbers are helpful (I'm tempted to say vital!) for 
interpreting archived webcam images. I really appreciated having them on 
each frame, and in fact wrote a script last fall to automatically read the 
temperature and humidity off an image and calculate a "steaminess index" 
from them.

It is still possible, for live images, to scroll down to the 
weatherunderground box to see the current temperature, and for archiving one 
can write extra code to fetch the temperature from somewhere else along with 
storing the image - but the humidity info isn't readily available, and for 
archived images it is a MAJOR pain to have to look up what temperature it 
was at a particular time on a particular day months ago.


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