[Geysers] Geyser report July 4

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Wed Jul 4 16:18:54 PDT 2007

Per Tara, Grotto Fountain started at 0128. The next event was a solo Rocket  
major at 0149 (d ~ 5m). A Giant hot period began at 0153 (d ~ 2m) and finally  
Grotto at 0153 (duration short).
this morning there was a Giant hot period at (I think it was, or  
thereabouts) 0657, a bathtub at 0813, and then an extremely strong hot period at  0905. 
This involved a lot of Mastiff surging to 4 feet and wide with very heavy  
overflow, Feather as tall as the cone, 6 inch bubbling in Cave Vent, and etc.  
Duration 9m 00s but no Giant.
After that, for the next while we don't know until a hot period at 1211 (D  
short, Feather and SW only) and another at 1322 (d = 3m 22s).
All this was with Grotto Fountain at 1014 and Grotto at 1027. That Grotto  
was still ie at 1420.
Artemisia performed for 10 of us at 1118, d ~ 23 1/2m
Riverside at 1114.
Daisy was at 0933 and 1216.
Oblong 0854 and 1348.
Grand was at 0647 (and that's all I know about it) and had not gone again  as 
of 1430.
Castle enjoyed a minor eruption at 0829 (d ~ 4 min) and then really  thrilled 
all with another minor at 1204ns (a long d > or = 9 min).
Lion at 1250 initial and 1409ie.
No Beehive today. That of yesterday did have an Indicator, long enough (I  
think I heard 14 minutes) for people to have gotten to Geyser Hill had they  
Great Fountain was 1441 (P = 0), a short interval that resulted in a puny,  
3-burst eruption.
Pink Cone was 0623, per Lynn
Fountain was 1531ie.
Today at home in West when I got back here at 4:15 the temperature was 91  
degrees. Sheesh. At least I'll be in an air conditioned van while on tour  
Scott Bryan

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