[Geysers] Thanks for Kaleidoscope info, and a rare event photo

snorkology at sysmatrix.net snorkology at sysmatrix.net
Fri Jan 26 00:01:03 PST 2007

Hi everyone,

A big thanks to those who helped me identify that vent of Deep Blue. It
was pretty spectacular when I saw it, but not 140-feet spectacular, more
like 50 to 75.

I'm attaching a photo of something so mysterious I'll simply tell you what
it is. This is a shot of Black Pit Annex, now active as a milky splashing
type complex of craters, on the hillside right next to Echinus Geyser. on
the day I took this shot in 1983(can't remember the date) I was watching
Echinus do one of its marathon eruptions, and suddenly I heard a loud
whooshing noise behind me. Black Pit had blasted out a new vent and was
spouting white muddy water with small stones, high enough to land on the
boardwalk! I was pretty well rendered speechless at that point, but this
soon gave way to the usual whooping and hollering that goes with seeing
something extremely rare.The eruption continued for a short time,
gradually turning into splashy perpetual spouting from the crater, which
was filling up. Ever since then it merely splashes and bubbles, and shows
no sign of repeating the performance of that remarkable day. As with many
Norris features, erosion of the vent changed it forever.

                      Grover Schrayer
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