[Geysers] Geyser photos

Karen Webb caros at aros.net
Thu Jan 11 20:55:55 PST 2007

I noticed the mystery geyser (unlabelled) when I went to the photo file 
and assumed it was Penta.  Just to lazy to bring it to people's 
attention.  And yes, by all means, everyone keep sending in the mystery 
geysers -- a wonderful way to while away the time till we can get back 
to the park.
PS Was there a web capture of the 1/11 Giant?  In the "no good deed goes 
unpunished" category, I had to be at my son's school to supervise an 
arts-in-the-schools project for which I wangled the invitation and was 
there at the suggested eruption time.  On the other hand, when I came 
home for lunch, the cam was partially iced over (looked sort of like a 
Monet painting)

David Schwarz wrote:

>    Do you guys do requests?  I've always wanted to see a picture of 
> Lioness in eruption.  I've seen several old photos with the pool 
> boiling and overflowing (such as 
> http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/show_picture.cgi?ID=ID.%20Jackson,%20W.H.%20%20192 
> and 
> http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/show_picture.cgi?ID=ID.%20Jackson,%20W.H.%20%20193 
> <http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/show_picture.cgi?ID=ID.%20Jackson,%20W.H.%20%20193> 
> -- I think these are Lioness, yeah?), but have yet to see photographic 
> evidence that it actually erupts.
>    Also, several years ago I saw a picture of Daisy's Thief labeled 
> "Dewey Geyser."  It was a black-and-white print, I think in a book or 
> report, but I've forgotten where.  If I remember correctly, there was 
> some note with the picture about how Spelendid had recently become 
> quiet but "Dewey" had stepped up to take its place.  Anyone know the 
> source?  It's the only picture I've ever seen of it.
>    Speaking of mystery geysers, here's a fun one from the USGS 
> archives that I wasn't aware Jackson had photographed:
> http://libraryphoto.cr.usgs.gov/cgi-bin/show_picture.cgi?ID=ID.%20Jackson,%20W.H.%20%20653
>    Try to picture it with a bunch of boardwalk and you may have an 
> easier time identifying it.
> David Schwarz
>Geysers mailing list
>Geysers at wwc.edu

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