[Geysers] Old Faithful night shot (correct link)

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Sun Aug 12 17:08:11 PDT 2007

I believe it was taken from the "river view" asphalt, on the way down to the
view of Beehive.  The walk is definitely lower in elevation than the cone of
OF, and you're side opposite the cone are not visible.  The cone is
illuminated on its right side, which is where the light from the inn would
shine on it.  

If anything, this is a salute to the excellent nighttime lighting around Old
Faithful.  You can still see your way but aren't blinded by stupid/excessive
wattage and fixtures.  We gazers had a lot to do with correcting this, and
the International Dark Sky Association was also involved. Also, the NPS
could use this photo to show their dedication to every aspect of nature in
Yellowstone, including the appreciation of its gorgeous night sky.  

Fifteen years ago this photo wouldn't have been possible.  The glare from
all the idiotic mercury lights would have made it look muddy and crappy.  

Paul Strasser

-----Original Message-----
From: geysers-bounces at wwc.edu [mailto:geysers-bounces at wwc.edu] On Behalf Of
Lotus Baker
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:44 AM
To: geyser observation reports
Subject: Re: [Geysers] Old Faithful night shot (correct link)

The curious thing about this otherwise beautiful picture, is that it
doesn't quite make
sense.  The photographer was facing south (give or take a few degrees) in
late twilight.
>From that vantage point, there should be benches and a ranger station in
the background.   I've tried to rationalize this by saying it was an
extremely low camera
angle, but I don't believe that totally explains it.  Any thoughts?

Keith Baker

> [Original Message]
> From: Greg W <ikscx at yahoo.com>
> To: geyser observation reports <geysers at wwc.edu>
> Date: 8/8/07 5:03:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [Geysers] Old Faithful night shot (correct link)
>  - - - - And the evident ignorance (geyser wise) of
> the caption writer was surprising.
> --- Kevin & Sherri Leany <ksleany at cox.net> wrote:
> > Here is a great night shot of Old Faithful on the
> > NASA web page (with the correct link this time). 
> > Beautiful night sky.
> > 
> > http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070807.html
> > 
> > Kevin Leany    
> > ksleany at cox.net>
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