[Geysers] Geyser report September 23

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Sun Sep 24 06:07:18 PDT 2006

Saturday, the first day of autumn (already) was a quiet day. Except for  
Shannon Marchak (I don't really know how to spell her last name -- former  
naturalist now at Carlsbad Caverns), who was in the basin and Mary Beth (who  must 
have been in the office), I was apparently the only gazer there. Didn't see  a 
whole lot. The temperature got into the 40s and given little breeze, the  
weather was quite pleasant. (This morning on Sunday, at 0630 in West the temp in  
Enroute in, I found Great Fountain well into overflow, so I waited it out.  
The eruption happened at 0827 (P = 0) and was only a so-so fountain.
While there, via steam clouds, I got the Tangled Creek Geyser at 0747,  
0752:10, 0756:38, 0801:21 and 0806:20. White Dome at 0825 was at an interval of  at 
least 50 minutes.
Driving away, at 0835 I saw that the geyserite surrounding Crack Geyser's  
vent was wet. We've been seeing that Pebble's water level is varying. It doesn't 
 look like it has overflowed since July, but Crack must have erupted. And at 
0840  I found that Pink Cone was rather recently done -- I never saw its steam 
cloud  from GtFtn, but it was still having heavy steam puffs and the road was 
sopping  wet.
In the UGB, I got just one interval on Plume -- 73 minutes.
Beehive had not been seen (?; or at least, was not in the logbook for  either 
Thursday or Friday). Saturday the indicator was ie at 1155, Beehive at  1208.
Castle evidently had a minor sometime around 0800, and it had not yet  
erupted as of 1300.
Grand was 0600E, and I did not wait it out as Rift was ie at 1230.
I caught a Giant hot period at 1127. It was very weak with a duration of  
about 3 minutes. Grotto had been on at 0910 and was off shortly after  1000.
And that's pretty much it for that day.
Scott Bryan
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