[Geysers] new webcam at night

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Fri Sep 8 23:59:28 PDT 2006

Kevin Leany recently emailed me, asking me if I thought that aurora could be
seen on the new webcam.  I responded no, because the actual surface
brightness of an aurora isn't all that bright - considerably less, for
example, than moonlit clouds.  

Well, I know it's around full moon, but I'm kind of surprised I can actually
see the horizon, Old Faithful's cone (plus steam) and part of geyser hill at

I copied it to PSP and slightly upped the brightness and contrast.  No, this
isn't cheating - if the data wasn't there in the original then brightening
the image would still show nothing.  

Whether this is cool or pathetic is open for discussion.

And no, I'm not going to wait up for the next eruption.  

Paul Strasser
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