[Geysers] Geyser report August 31

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 1 06:25:35 PDT 2006

A message from Tara Cross <fanandmortar at hotmail.com>

Two quick additions to Scott's report, since I was in the basin briefly last evening:

> 0856 Grotto Fountain, d = 22 min, NO Grotto
> 0909 Giant hot period, d = 4m 50s, nothing spectacular
> 1003 Oblong
> 1015 Giant hot period, d = 1m 49s
> 1038 Daisy, I = 3h 11m
> 1114 Giant hot period, d = 4m 19s, nothing spectacular
> 1201 Grotto Fountain, d ~ 20 min, 1212 Grotto
> 1208 Giant hot period, d = 1m 50s

Per Herb Simons:

1309 Bathtbub
1436 Giant hot period, d~5 1/2 min, nothing spectacular
1556 Bathtub

As of 1700 Grotto was still i.e. so most gazers headed to the Lower Basin, where:

> Jeff Davis had Fountain i.e. at 1121.

And we all waited until dark and cold drove us away at 2040, still no Fountain.  Jet intervals ranged from 8-30 minutes, Spasm was i.e., the water levels in both Fountain and Morning were pretty high.  Oh, well.

--Tara Cross
fanandmortar at hotmail.com
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