[Geysers] Thank you

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Thu Oct 26 18:43:21 PDT 2006

Thank you Steve and Dave on two counts:

First, I am always fascinated with Lower Basin geysers and this is  
brand new information (to me) about Great Fountain. I had no idea  
that is how it acted coming out of a wild phase. Fascinating. Wish I  
could have seen it. Steve and Dave, I really appreciate the detail  
you wrote about it!

And second, David, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments about  
the vandalism. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.

Let me know if there's someone (Park Service or otherwise) that  
should hear about this, I'd be glad to offer a letter noting that I  
also condemn the vandalism that occurred at the Aurum Fence.

After talking to many gazers over Labor Day about winter in  
Yellowstone (I have never taken a winter trip to the park), I really  
came to understand the need for a way to get around Aurum when the  
boardwalk is frozen. While the fence wasn't attractive, it was  
necessary, and as you said, there were compromises that could have  
been negotiated that would have made everyone happy. Now I am afraid  
the Park Service will move the boardwalk to a location where you are  
not as close to Aurum, and thus miss out on looking in it's  
delightful decorative cone, not to mention the joy of Aurum's spray  
on a hot afternoon. I have seen the smiles on so many visitors faces  
because they aren't expecting it to come toward the boardwalk, and  
they're delighted when it does..so I hope they choose fence again  
over moving the path.

Thanks again.
Pat Snyder

On Oct 26, 2006, at 10:56 AM, David Monteith wrote:

> A message From David
> Monteith                                                        10/26
> A couple of comments. The first is a thanks to Steve for his Great  
> Fountain
> report. The second is more disturbing but of importance.
> Steve, your description of Great Fountain sounds very similar to  
> what I've
> seen in the past as Great Fountain recovered from a wild phase.
> The vandalism of the Aurum fence was despicable.  (etc.)

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