[Geysers] Geyser report June 22

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Thu Jun 22 14:25:56 PDT 2006

Driving a shuttle back from Grant Village to West Yellowstone gave me the  
opportunity to spend some time in the UGB.
Plume had intervals of 61, 64, and 67 minutes.
Beehive erupted at 1240, and interval of 25h 15m. The indicator was 13  
Grand was 0405E and then 1157 (T1C), I = 7h 53m. This was a "Rifted"  
interval (Rift at 1105, D = 40 minutes only), so Steve and I and later Rebecca  sat 
at Uncertain, which rewarded us at 1140.
Castle had a minor this morning (I don't have the time), then had a major  at 
Daisy had a single interval while I was there, of 2h 22m (ie to ie).
Grotto had a fairly short normal eruption that ended shortly after a Rocket  
major. I just missed a Giant hot period. Suffice to say that as of 1330, Giant 
 had not erupted since last Saturday.
I am told that the new thing near the river at Biscuit Basin (this really  
needs a name ! ) was first seen in February 2006, initially as a steaming area  
but then within days as a spouting vent. In the past few days, it has been  
splashing from at least two vents, interestingly one very muddy and the other  
very clear, both reaching 2 to 3 feet high.
Scott Bryan
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