[Geysers] Geyser names

Tara Cross fanandmortar at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 19 18:57:33 PDT 2006

A message from Tara Cross <fanandmortar at hotmail.com>

I agree that "New Thing Far Left" is not a great name.  It's not new anymore, and when viewed from the road as you drive southbound across Fountain Flats, it's actually the farthest feature to the RIGHT.

My primary objection to the name "Football" is that it has nothing to do with the feature itself.  Instead it's an extension of a name which some already feel is poor to begin with.

Can we come up with something that's more descriptive of its eruption or location?

I made the suggestion of "Periscope" to Pat Snyder in a private conversation, and it was completely in jest.  If people end up liking the name then fine, but I have no strong opinion that it should be called "Periscope."

--Tara Cross
fanandmortar at hotmail.com

> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 06:35:49 -0700
> From: udo.freund at lmco.com
> To: geysers at wwc.edu
> Subject: [Geysers] Geyser names
> I humbly submit that another feature in the Kaleidoscope group needs to be named before we focus on the Biscuit Basin thing.  In my opinion "New Thing Far Left" is a TERRIBLE name that has persisted far too long.  If another feature were to break out to the left of NTFL would it become "Newer Thing Even Further Left"?  Could we agree that NTFL become "Football Geyser".  It's easy to drop the T from NTFL, which then becomes NFL -- the acronym for the National Football League, or more simply Football.
> And why do we need to name the Biscuit Basin feature after a mineral?  Not that I object to that -- I'm just asking.
> Thanks,
> Udo Freund

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