[Geysers] Three geysers of note

Laurie Brown lauriebr at netw.com
Thu Jul 6 16:47:39 PDT 2006

I have been thinking about Echinus and there are a couple of questions I have to throw out-- seems like this geyser currently has plenty of water but (?) has gradually lost its heat source-- Or is it possible that it has damaged itself like Excelsior and Monarch are speculated to have done to themselves?... I wondered this since Norris is the hottest basin in the Park and is likely to still have plenty of heat.  <snip>
    Mario Durrant

    Quite a number of years ago we ran into a ranger on a visit to Norris, at the time when Echinus was first having it's problems. He said that there was a new feature above Echinus that had a very, very low ph- low even for Norris. It was running off down into Echinus' pool, and his theory was that the acidity was eating away Echinus' throat, thus robbing it of it's ability to build pressure to erupt. 

    I have no idea if he was right, but thought I'd pass that along.

    Laurie, Dark Phoenix
    lauriebr at netw.com
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; give him a freshly-charged
    Electric Eel and chances are he won't bother you for anything ever again.
                  -- Tanuki
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