[Geysers] Geyser painting again

cindy rose crose61514 at wyoming.com
Wed Jan 25 19:00:38 PST 2006

Scott--As an art graduate (which gives me no more right to comment than anyone else, just a bigger vocabulary ;8>)] ), the painting of Castle seems to be right on, color-wise; however, the composition could be neatened up a little bit, as the structure on the right side of the platform where the lighter and darker greys meet makes the entire edifice resemble a reclining, headless lion. The trees on the left could be beefed up a bit too, as they appear a bit weak. On the whole this is a pleasing, painterly piece, very intimate--and the steam is very well rendered. Geysers are very difficult to do because of the high-key values of the sinter even if attempted in dramatic light. Tell your wife she has a fan, and o keep up the good work!

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