[Geysers] Forwarding a nice email

cindy rose crose61514 at wyoming.com
Thu Feb 16 19:21:46 PST 2006

All--I went to the link Jeff Cross sent us and looked at the images there--Igor Shpelinok does some beautiful work. The following is his email to me, sent right after I gushed in a very geyser-like manner about his photos:

>>Dear Cindy,

>>Thanks for your comments.  Coming from Wyoming -- the home of Yellowstone --
I'll take that as a real compliment.

>>As for the bears, well they get used to me after awhile and get out of the way

>>Best wishes,
Igor Shpilenok

> Greetings from Wyoming:
> When I see your images of Kronotski Zapovednik my heart aches. You 
> have captured Paradise. My only question is this: how do you see the 
> geysers with all of those damn bears in the way? 

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