[Geysers] Steamboat on a Stamp

Michael Goldberg mikeg at math.jhu.edu
Fri Feb 3 19:01:13 PST 2006

On May 27, The US Postal Service will be dedicating a set of commemorative
stamps with the theme: "Wonders of America: Land of Superlatives."

It's anybody's guess how they decided which natural and man-made objects
to include, but one of the suprlatives is our very own "Tallest Geyser:
Steamboat" illustrated with a rendition of this 1964 photograph.


Since I don't have Scott's book in front of me, I can't tell if this is
_the_ Steamboat photo, or another picture taken about 10 seconds later.

They also have a bison stamp, celebrating the "Largest Land Mammal."

Michael Goldberg

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