[Geysers] Obituary

Carlton Cross cross at bmi.net
Thu Dec 14 20:32:29 PST 2006

Modertor Note:  I have manually submitted this message (from Fred Kallien)
via my email address because the original came through with a spam flag set
in the subject.

Carlton Cross
cross at bmi.net

Dear Lynn,

I rarely post to the geyser list so you may not remember me.  Actually you
met my wife Meladie and me last summer in early August as you were heading
up the trail to Artemisia.  You and I 
had a brief discussion about major and minor eruptions of Atomizer.  Thank
you again. 

Please know that Meladie and I are praying for you, your daughter, and your
grand children as you face this incredible loss.  We lost Angela our 33
year old daughter on October 13.  Her death was completely unexpected and
totally shocking.  She was perfectly healthy the night before and also when
her husband Ted left for work at 6:30 that morning.  He was notified when
she failed to arrive at work.  He rushed home to find her slumped on the
floor with a mirror in one hand and her mascara in the other.  The Medical
Examiner was unable to determine a cause of death. 

We rightfully expect that our children will bury us but obviously not
always.  We have found the support of friends to be immensely helpful.  We
have felt strength and peace resulting from the prayers of the faithful.
God's love exceeds our anger and grief.

Meladie and will have been and will continue to pray for you.  We covet
your prayers also.

Perhaps we will meet in the park again next summer and continue to bear one
another's burdens.

Fred Kallien
mckfgkwinteroaks at msn.com

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