[Geysers] Webcam stuff

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Sun Aug 27 00:17:50 PDT 2006

Chase noted:  " Let me remind you of what we are doing here. We are
collecting scientific data to be used for use in future studies."


No.  It is the webcam that is collecting the data.  Some of us are
reporting, 2nd hand, what the internet provides to us in the comfort of our
office (er. home).  It is the NPS that is giving the world these images, and
I understand they ultimately wish to save every daylight webcam capture for
future use.  Do you propose they delete these images, or never acknowledge
what is on them?  I don't, and a simple declaration about potential time
problems associated with webcam images should suffice.  Whether they belong
in the logbook is up to them.  IMO, I really don't care if the frequent
geyser eruptions get in or not.  But pinning down the start of Giantess to
+/- a few minutes is pretty good to me.  Just note that it was webcammed. 


Please be aware that this listserv is not official GOSA property, and the
GOSA directors have not once made any statements about the obligations of
posters not gave any instructions to the listmasters.  The two listserv
bosses have their own expectations and desires for the content of this list.
To bring GOSA's purpose into a statement of obligation of individuals
posting to a forum that is independent of GOSA is irrelevant.  We all have
our own reasons for posting, and few of mine pertain to collecting
scientific data.  And I am not going to change.  Lee W has consistently
commented that the historical information in the listserv posts is almost
certainly going to be of great interest to future Yellowstone enthusiasts.
Our rants about the crumminess of Delaware North's menu or the new paving
job are possibly of equal - if not more - interest to many than an argument
over whether Anenome was at 112521 or 112534.


Chase's argument should be directed at the NPS and the naturalists in the
visitor center, and not at people reporting a cool eruption of a geyser at
1055 on the webcam to this listserv.  


By the way, to somebody reading this in 2068, howdy.


Paul Strasser  



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