[Geysers] Geyser report August 24

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Thu Aug 24 14:10:13 PDT 2006

This is really brief, as I was in the UGB for not more than 1 hour today.  
But two things that can be said:
Beehive erupted at 0946, so this interval was 23h 07m. The Indicator was 16  
My main reason for writing today is to note that Grotto's activity seems  
very similar to that which took place during the previous interval of Giant,  
namely a series of back-to-back mini-marathon ("10K") eruptions. (Grotto  
probably did this on Monday, and definitely did so on Tuesday into today.) Hot  
periods certainly take place, but, like this morning's, they are weak even  though 
they sometimes have durations as long as 8 or 9 minutes. So as was the  case a 
week and more ago, until Grotto gets back to normal eruptions only  
occasionally interrupted by full marathons, we probably don't have to pay a  whole lot 
of attention to Giant. (This personal opinion need not be adhered to  by other 
Scott Bryan
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