[Geysers] Beehive 1407ie 8/18 on the Webcam

Bruce Jensen bpnjensen at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 21 08:09:35 PDT 2006

The Indicator was tough to see, but one could detect a small steam cloud
brighter than, and infront of, the boardwalk for about 20 minutes prior
(it was a long indicator, and was even preceded bh a pre-indicator
indicator).  It *was* exciting to see Beehive in more or less real time
from 1,000 miles away!

Bruce Jensen

--- Graham Meech <meechg at verizon.net> wrote:

> Here it is - Beehive indicator was a little hard to see prior to the
> eruption but I could see the steam and the gathering crowd.
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Bruce Jensen

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