[Geysers] A little more on "rude" gazers...

Torben Frey geysers at lavalite.de
Fri Aug 4 13:14:46 PDT 2006

Hi list readers,

after I finally read that anonymous GOSA letter I have to write something about that, too. Of all my
visits I only spent the two weeks in 2003 in the Park knowing there are "gazers" - because I
discovered this mailing list a few months before. The years before I didn't know them at all.

I read the postings here as often as I could, printed out all the maps from geyserstudy.org, flew
over to the US, got my radios in San Francisco and drove up to Yellowstone.

Of course my friends and I listened carefully to the radio messages and ran to the announced geysers
 where we first saw the "gazers". They seemed to be a closed group of experts who knew each other
pretty well and I must admit I was too shy to approach them - mainly because in a way I could only
have asked things I already read, things they probably answered millions of times before. Maybe that
"closed group appearance" is called "rude" by the anonymous writer. But wouldn't one get the same
impression when other people who know each other for years are sticking together somewhere?

Anyway, during the following days we met again and again when some geyser erupted - and finally they
knew our faces, too - and of course we started a conversation. They explained things right when they
happened, we didn't have to ask! When we waited for Artemisia for more than six hours with them, it
was a very interesting afternoon for us and we had some laughs with these "rude" gazers, too!

The gazers I met were the friendliest people after we saw each other a few times and they knew we
were really interested in the geysers. Maybe my first impression was a bit different, but really,
they haven't said a word to me then, it was just MY wrong (!!!) interpretation!

I hope to be able to come back to the Park some day, I hope the gazers will still make their radio
announcements, I hope to be able to listen to their discussions and to learn from them!

Thanks for keeping us all up to date through this list and greetings from Munich, Germany.


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