[Geysers] Geyser report September 24

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Sat Sep 24 12:53:56 PDT 2005

I know its only been a couple of days since I announced that I'd be leaving  
on October 2, but due to a couple semi-necessary items next week plus weather  
(horrible today, in my humble opinion) plus hurricanes, I am leaving  
tomorrow. In other words, this is my last report of 2005.
Before I carry on, thanks to the several of you who passed along ideas  
regarding missing Katrina people. I tried all of your suggestions and more -- no  
I was only in the basins for a short time today, shorter yesterday, so I  
don't have much. I know Kitt was in today, so a good report for this weekend  
will probably be upcoming.
Beehive was at 1022 on the 22nd, not seen yesterday, and at 0632 ie today.  
That's a double interval of 43h 45m.
Plume's intervals have generally been between 40 and 45 minutes -- scary,  
since that's about the level at which it decided to start its dormancies earlier 
 this year.
I hope people will keep watching the Hillside Springs (those below the  
cliffs between Black Sand and Biscuit). I've been noticing for a week or two  that 
the cyanobacteria seemed to be disappearing. Today when the temperature was  
in the 30s, the southernmost of those springs was barely steaming -- only light 
 wisps. Something is happening there. To my knowledge, the Hillsides have  
always gushed heavy streams.
In the Lower Basin I basically saw nothing other than Botryoidal, White  
Dome, Pink Cone ie late steam at 0808, and Pink ie at 1151 -- my last geyser of  
It's hard to believe that 5+ months went by so fast. Ah, well. Take  care.
Scott Bryan
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