[Geysers] Geyser rerport September 6

Pat Snyder riozafiro at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 12 01:12:23 PDT 2005

Here is a photo of Grotto's start on this day. It was amazing.

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Pat S.

On Sep 6, 2005, at 5:41 PM, TSBryan at aol.com wrote:

> I know this might not be posted for some time, but.. two especially  
> unusual things today.
> Silex erupted at 1104 initial, seen by Graham Meech. It probably  
> also erupted on Sunday and last week, so may be back to 2 or 3 day  
> intervals.
> More significant, maybe -- heck, Giant might have gone by now. This  
> afternoon, South Grotto Fountain underwent a series of 13  
> eruptions. Intervals were mostly on the order of 10 to 12 minutes,  
> durations around 2 minutes. Indicator Spring stayed at a high level  
> throughout, varying up and down only a couple of inches. Most  
> eruptions of South were accompanied by incipient/not quite there  
> action in Startling, and also by sometimes-vigorous Central Vent  
> eruptions. There was often rather heavy splashing in Grotto, heavy  
> enough to make us think it might start without the Fountains.  
> Finally, after a short 5 minute interval, things held off for 23  
> minutes when Grotto Fountain erupted. Then Grotto started less than  
> 2 minutes later with the biggest initial surgey any of us have ever  
> seen. Really, it certainly reached and might well have topped 50 feet.
> During all this stuff, Giant Group had a Mastiff bathtub, a weak (2  
> minute, no Feather Satellite) hot period an hour later, and then  
> another bathtub an hour after the hot period.
> Being a semi-working homeowner, I had to get back to town, so...
> Scott Bryan
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