[Geysers] Non-geyser query

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Tue Nov 15 04:48:25 PST 2005

Wasn't this the cause of several bison deaths in the Norris area a  
year or two ago? The bison were eating the grass bits around the tree  
bases and succumbed to CO2?
Pat S.

On Nov 13, 2005, at 7:21 PM, Craig Messerman wrote:

> I thought sunlight warmed the tree and melted the snow, but maybe  
> we covered that.  To bring it back closer to geysers: The tree  
> wells around Mammoth Mountain, California, on the edge of the Long  
> Valley Caldera, can be deadly because they fill up with CO2.  Don't  
> get stuck in one while skiing.
> Craig Messerman
> cmflyer at bresnan.net

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