[Geysers] Yellowstone Eruption Threat

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Tue May 10 06:29:33 PDT 2005

To me, this all sounds like the Volcanologist Full Employment Act of 2005.
They think that it must be monitored by staff 24/7 - this means at least
four full-time volcanologists monitoring those volcanic hazards
like....uh.... what, exactly?  Are they going to now monitor geysers?  

The two threats they cite - small-scale hydrothermal explosions by
boardwalks and the pooling of heavy gases during some meteorological
conditions in some back-country locales - are not volcanic.  And they're
nothing new.

The question was raised about what effect this might have on access.  It's
hard to imagine it not having a potential negative effect. 

Paul Strasser

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