[Geysers] About Transactions

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Sat Mar 19 07:45:52 PST 2005

As you know, Transactions, Volume IX is done and available. As with all the 
volumes, it contains some pretty nifty stuff. I am reminded of this so often -- 
just a couple of days ago I was queried about a location shown in a photo. In 
fact that place is "Fairyland Basin," which was described in Volume IV.

I use that as an example. The nine volumes add up to 1,903 pages. That's a 
lot of information. The price of the volumes is already at a good discount for 
GOSA members, and it is even larger if you join as a somewhat higher level. So 
join (or re-join), buy Transactions, save money, have fun, and learn. What 
could be better?
Meanwhile, the GOSA Directors seem to want me to tackle GOSA Transactions, 
Volume X, which presumably/ideally will be finished in early 2006. And so it is 
again time to make a
for that volume.

The submission formats will be unchanged from before. An information sheet 
(MS Word) can be sent on request.

At this point I am not setting any submission deadline (except, as always, 
the sooner the better) but there is this ONE IMPORTANT CHANGE in policy:

I will absolutely _NOT_ accept for consideration any submission that this 
incomplete in any way. In other words, _finish_ your article in all respects -- 
text, photos, maps, charts, tables, etc. -- everything -- before submission.


T. Scott Bryan (Editor Extraordinaire [sometimes])

72-779 Fleetwood Circle
Palm Desert, CA 92260-9389 (through April 19, 2005)
P. O. Box 441
West Yellowstone, MT 59758-0441 (starting April 21, 2005)
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