[Geysers] Re: Grand geyser sillyness

Freund, Udo udo.freund at lmco.com
Thu Jan 27 06:06:23 PST 2005

I assume the opening line should have read: "...T and G:" instead of
"... T and C:".
Udo Freund 



	From: geysers-bounces at wwc.edu [mailto:geysers-bounces at wwc.edu]
On Behalf Of Paul Strasser
	Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 10:31 PM
	To: 'geyser observation reports'
	Subject: RE: [Geysers] Re: Grand geyser sillyness



	Difference between T and C:  At least in one year (no, I don't
remember the year -1984? '85? Whatever) Heinrich had put all of his
geyser data into his Mac.  Suzanne and I were at his place in Cupertino
fiddling around with a statistics program, where we could instantly
compare bursts to time of day... that sort of thing.  Some things had
obvious correlations, like first burst length to number of bursts.
Others didn't.  On a whim, I told H that I always thought that Turban
initiated eruptions had more bursts than Grand initiated eruptions.   So
he shrugged and compared those variables.  Lo and behold.  Statistically
significant difference.  

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