[Geysers] Yellowstone Whispers

Pat Snyder riozafiro at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 8 19:34:30 PST 2005

Thank you everyone who wrote in response to the Yellowstone Whispers!!! 
Your responses really helped clarify the legend, although there are 
more questions than real answer, It's a very cool phenomenon made even 
more striking by the lack of any confirmed physical explanation for it.

Your story about the Whispers was especially incredible, Scott--the 
thunderstorm, then sunset and the sound. Maybe someday I will be 
fortunate enough to hear the Whispers--although right now, I'd be happy 
with just enough luck to see Fan and Mortar for the first time.

And yes, Lucille, it is the same authors that wrote Weird New 
Jersey--they now have a book out called Weird U.S.A.

Glad you liked my photo of Clepsydra and Spasm in the calendar, Janet. 
Much appreciated. I was very excited it was chosen for publication.
Pat Snyder

On Feb 7, 2005, at 6:10 PM, Lucille Reilly wrote:

> Nope, can't tell you about YNP phenomena, but it sounds like these are
> the same guys who publish "Weird New Jersey", about similar stuff in my
> home state!
> Lucille Reilly
> On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 16:46:47 -0800 Pat Snyder <riozafiro at earthlink.net>
> writes:

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