[Geysers] cell phone/old Faithful functionality question

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Fri Aug 26 17:58:21 PDT 2005


Scott wrote:


Beyond that -- I/we did without cell service forever (literally) until a
very short time ago. I find that I can get along without it now, just fine,
thank you. And frankly, I wish everybody else in the geyser basin would get
along without, too.



Scott - 


Would that we could too.  But sometimes the only way we can get to
Yellowstone is if we are in contact with work to answer questions ASAP.
Not later in the evening.  Right then.  


So cell phone possession or staying home.. Hmmm.  Most of the time we don't
need it, of course.  I'll try and use it (when necessary) away from you. :)


(Besides - Denver is just too far for a couple of tin cans and a string - it
keeps getting snagged on high tension wires near Rawlins.)


Paul Strasser


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