[Geysers] Norris Quick Stop 4/22

MA Bellingham mabell126 at bresnan.net
Mon Apr 25 22:28:30 PDT 2005

Since the Curmudgeon was waylaid by Silex, I thought I would post my quick
stop at Norris on opening day. Congress Pool was full to the rim, but not
overflowing. There was obvious wash where it had overflowed recently.
Guardian was in a roaring steam phase much like my occasional observations
last fall. 


I caught two single burst Constants at 18 minutes apart. I left at the 24
minute mark prior to what might have been the third. 

David G. had been looking at Steamboat after work.  


More snow is expected later this week. 

See you at Grand,





M.A. Bellingham

mabell126 at bresnan.net



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